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AFG4441 the little soldier of march Bright,light,majestic,march 길이 : 1:00,  템포 : 83
장르 : Orchestration,  주악기 : String woodwind orchestra
AFG4440 Forever Young lyricism,recollection,longing 길이 : 1:20,  템포 : 100
장르 : Ballad,  주악기 : Piano bass drum
AFD0032 dreamlike(Loop) Dream,Peace,Mystery,dreamy 길이 : 0:51,  템포 : 94
장르 : Ballad,  주악기 :
AFD0022 martial arts Peace,Tranquility,Martialart 길이 : 0:35,  템포 : 115
장르 : World Music,  주악기 : Drum, Xylophone
AFD0020 a peaceful village (Loop) Peaceful,Affluent,Peacefultown 길이 : 0:30,  템포 : 133
장르 : Orchestration,  주악기 : Piano, Cymbals
AFD0006 A tranquil glow Peace,Ballad,Nature,Faint,Comfort 길이 : 0:18,  템포 : 120
장르 : Ballad,  주악기 : Piano, String
AFD0004 warm moist air Peace,Ballad,Village,Comfort 길이 : 3:00,  템포 : 80
장르 : Ballad,  주악기 : Drum, Keyboard, String, Bass
AFD0003 an open field Peace,Village,Traditionclassic,Farm 길이 : 3:00,  템포 : 95
장르 : Orchestration,  주악기 : Orchestra
AFC169 Peaceful land Light,Expectation,Pleasure,Casual,Farm 길이 : 0:26,  템포 : 80
장르 : Jazz,  주악기 : Synthesizer
AFC168 independent day Peace,Light,Comfort,Spacious 길이 : 0:28,  템포 : 80
장르 : Big Band,  주악기 : Wind Instrument
AFC167 New world Peace,Gentle,Warm,Calm 길이 : 1:06,  템포 : 80
장르 : Orchestra (Pop-Cross),  주악기 : Synthesizer
AFC157 his playing Solo,Piano,Mystery,Fantasy,Dark,Cool,Simplicity 길이 : 0:57,  템포 : 78
장르 : Pop,  주악기 : EP
AFC069 Bitter-sweet Sweet,Fantasy,Bossanova,Casual 길이 : 0:58,  템포 : 70
장르 : Jazz,  주악기 : Bell
AFC050 Nostalgic Peace,Village,Ballad,Reminiscence,Beauty 길이 : 1:43,  템포 : 80
장르 : Orchestra (Pop-Cross),  주악기 : Electronic piano
AFC010 Repeated Daily Life Peace,Gentle,Warm,Calm 길이 : 2:10,  템포 : 70
장르 : Orchestra (Pop-Cross),  주악기 : Synthesizer
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